As there are many adventure trips behind us, we know functionality is crucial. The auxiliary tanks give more fuel range, windscreens give more protection and stronger lights, footpegs more control and comfort, etc. And all that is wrapped in durability and as simple mounting as possible.
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Our philosophy
Smart Way
We aim there are always some smart ideas behind our parts giving them extra added value. The auxiliary tanks hidden in the bike… skid plates with space for tools… windscreens with space for navigation stuff… protection parts not disturbing the design of the bike, etc.
The look of our parts is very important to us. We are able to spend many hours moving one line here and there not just to do nice parts and keep slender lines. Design is good only when it works well. Frankly, even though the adventure bikes destiny is dirt, we still want them to have nice.
Who is Rade/Garage?
We, at RADE/GARAGE are a lot like you. We work, we dream and we ride. It just happens that we dream of parts that will make our and your rides easier and more enjoyable. We work hard to produce the highest quality parts and accessories for KTM and Husqvarna motorcycles. And we ride all around the world to test them, so you get the best looking and most functional products.
The look is as important to us as function. We pay attention to contours, edges and quality of the finish color as well as to weight, simple install and maintenance and of course reliability. We too ride in remote places where failure is not an option.
We thrive for continuous improvement and want your feedback. When we update our products, we offer upgrades for our existing customers where possible. This ensures everyone has the best experience with our products.
We would like for you to enjoy not just the parts but the whole buying and installation process. We want everything to be perfect, but we are humans. And humans can make a mistake from time to time. Our promise is that if that happens we will work to quickly resolve it to your satisfaction. After all, all of our products are backed with 100% money back guarantee.
We are based in Brandys nad Labem, near Prague in Czechia (EU). If you ever happen to ride nearby, just let us know and you are always welcome in our garage.
Meet our team
Development, design & construction
Although we develop innovations and design solutions at a professional level, we still do it with the same enthusiasm as in the beginning. Lukas and Tonda understand what adventure riders want and what takes their motorcycles to another level. For example some of our kits are of carbon so the final product is lighter and also stonger.
We try make the process effective, but at the same time of the highest quality. Our products aren’t the same for too long. Innovation is in our blood. Matěj, David and Martin do their best in every step of the process to make the final result better and better. They control the whole process of production and most importantly they made our own forms for every product.
Our Logistics team has four members. Kuba looks after our new innovative and more effective solutions and makes revisions of product lineup. Alena prepares mounting bags and orders to dispatch. Monika ensures all products are in stock and that the material is complete and ready for shipment. And finally Dan, a person who was on the start RadeGarage. He knows everything about our products, prepares them for shipment and reviews innovation.
Sales & Care
We are best in class of customer care. Your feedback is always involved in next development. So it is important for us to know your experience or your advice. Lukas and Martin are your main contact for RADE/GARAGE, whatever and whenever you need anything. And finally principal Rade. He is soul of company, the creator of RadeGarage.
Projekt inovace světlometů
OSVČ Radek Frank se účastní projektů organizovaných Evropskou unií.
Projekt inovace světlometů pro motocykly byl spolufinancován Evropskou Unií. Cílem projektu je zajištění technologického vybavení pro zahájení výroby a uvedení na trh nového typu LED světlometu pro motocykly kombinující potkávací, dálkové i parkovací světlo.

Projekt NPO - Design Credits
RADE/GARAGE s.r.o. se účastní projektů organizovaných Evropskou unií.
Cílem projektu je podpora vzájemné spolupráce kreativních profesionálủ z Adresáře designéru CzechTrade a podnikatelského sektoru v oblasti design inovací za účelem vytvoření nového designu kovaných stupaček na motocykly.